North Star Hauling Delivery Services


All bulk products such as stone, gravel, sand, topsoil and mulch are available for delivery. Our fleet of dump trucks are always available whenever and wherever delivery is needed. We get you the material you need, on-time and efficiently no matter how much stone, sand and gravel you need.



Lead Time for Delivery


Same day delivery are sometimes possible, call to see if there is availibility if a last minute need comes up. It is best to schedule your delivers a day or two in advance. We will do our best to accommodate

your needs.


Choosing a Dumping Location


 Before placing your order it is best to consider where you would like the load dumped. Obviously the closer it is to where you are using it the less effort it will take to install the product, but the higher likelihood that repairs to lawn, landscape or driveway may be required.


If customer orders delivery beyond the curb line, the customer assumes all liability for damage to sidewalk, driveways, road or other property and agrees to indemnify the seller against all liability.


Driveways are the most common dump location since it is easy to shovel off from, clean up, and keeps the heavy truck off lawns and landscaping. The truck are large and when full weigh up to 73280 pounds.

Wires and trees can limit dumping locations since the dump bed goes very high when dumping.


Browse Our Products

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We're happy to help with your project questions. Call for a quote.

 Call us at: 814 637-5599


Or use our contact form.

Office Hours

Winter Hours         7AM to 4PM M-F

                              No Saturdays Starting                                              Thanksgiving week

Spring/Summer     7AM to 5PM M-F

   Hours                 Sat. 7AM till Noon


We accept Credit Cards


Project Gallery

See some of the  projects we have recently completed, and be inspired!