2B Crushed Sandstone
1/2"to 1 1/2" diameters crushed, has facets on stone( not smooth). Crushed stone will pack down and make a long lasting stone layer.
Certified for use in sand mounds as #5 Gradation.
#3-4 Crushed Sandstone
Diameter of stone 1 1/4" to 4".
Crushed stone, has facets on stone.
Great for road base. Backfill foundations.
1B Crushed Sandstone
Referred to as #8
3/8" small crusher sandstone. Used for anti skid.
2RC Crushed Sandstone
This is a Penn DOT approved material.
Packs well!
Used for base under concrete. Fill holes in driveways( Suggest limestone for "Top")
Used for fill.
Used for pipe bedding.
1B Limestone
Also referred to as #8.
3/8" diameter.
Used as anti skid. Driveway topping.
2B Limestone
Also referred to as #57
1/2" to 1 1/2 " in diameter, Crushed, has facets on stone.
Road, driveway and parking lots
#3 Limestone
1 1/2" to 2 1/2" in diameter, crushed, has facets on stone.
Used for road base.
We're happy to help with your project questions. Call for a quote.
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Winter Hours 7AM to 4PM M-F
No Saturdays Starting Thanksgiving week
Spring/Summer 7AM to 5PM M-F
Hours Sat. 7AM till Noon
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