Fast Trax portable crusher .
We can come and custom crush and screen at your location.
Provides clients the mobile crushing and screening solutions.
North Star Aggregates,Inc has the ability to install, service, maintain, staff and operate a portable crushing plant operation.
We bring the aggregate plant right to your site!
Price depends on location. Please feel free to call with any questions you may have or any advise needed related to rock crushing and or crushed rock.
Available at or pit north of Brockport along RT 219
1B Limestone
2A Limestone
2B Limestone
1B Crushed Sandstone
2RC Crushed Sandstone , PENN DOT apporoved
2B Crushed Sandstone, Sand mound certified
Bedding Sand
#3-4 Crushed Sandstone
4" & 6" Minus Crushed Sandstone
Fill Dirt & Bank Run (limited availability)
Available at Penfield Pit along RT 255
1B Limestone
2A Limestone
2B Limestone
Pea Gravel ( Washed)
2RC creek Gravel ( PENN DOT approved)
2B Creek Gravel (Washed)
#3 Oversized (Washed)
Glacial Decrotive stone ( three sizes)
Septic Sand
Bedding Sand
Mason Sand
C144 Mason Sand
Top Soil